One of the serious problems in planning the fight against American doctrine, is that the Americans do not read their manuals, nor do they feel any obligation to follow their doctrine… – From a Soviet Junior Lt’s Notebook

Paused (23 hours, 45 minutes left on unpause)
Private Postmodern Diplomacy-2
1 day /phase
Pot: 50 D - Autumn, 1996, Diplomacy
Modern Diplomacy II, Sum-of-Squares Scoring
1 excused missed turn

Start Backward Open large map Forward End

Completed Russia
historiana (95D) - Delays left: 1 of 1
Last seen: 1317 days, 20 hours (24 Feb 21 UTC)
Bet: 5D, worth: 12D
11 supply-centers, 11 units
Ready France
QuestionEverything101 (95D) - Delays left: 1 of 1
Last seen: 1318 days, 19 hours (23 Feb 21 UTC)
Bet: 5D, worth: 10D
10 supply-centers, 10 units
Completed Britain
txwatson (117D) - Delays left: 1 of 1
Last seen: 1319 days, 19 hours (22 Feb 21 UTC)
Bet: 5D, worth: 8D
9 supply-centers, 9 units
Ready Turkey
honeynutt.cheerios (95D) - Delays left: 1 of 1
Last seen: 1317 days, 14 hours (24 Feb 21 UTC)
Votes: Unpause
Bet: 5D, worth: 8D
9 supply-centers, 9 units
Ready Poland
BreadTok (95D) - Delays left: 1 of 1
Last seen: 1250 days, 18 hours (02 May 21 UTC)
Bet: 5D, worth: 7D
8 supply-centers, 8 units
Not received Egypt
thatprettyleftist (95D) - Delays left: 0 of 1 - Delayed last turn
Last seen: 1320 days, 13 hours (21 Feb 21 UTC)
Bet: 5D, worth: 4D
6 supply-centers, 6 units
Completed Italy
macaronsnotmacaroons (95D) - Delays left: 1 of 1
Last seen: 1320 days, 13 hours (21 Feb 21 UTC)
Bet: 5D, worth: 2D
4 supply-centers, 3 units
Rousshoe (0DX)
Left. Bet: 5D, worth: 3D
5 supply-centers, 5 units
Left. Bet: 5D, worth: 1D
1 supply-centers, 0 units
Left. Bet: 5D, worth: 1D
1 supply-centers, 0 units
Archive: Orders - Maps - Messages