“Artillery is the King of battle: the King cannot swim, however, which is why we need you guys.” (USMC arty specialist to a group of Navy officers in an Amphib Warfare Indoc course.)
20 May 20 UTC | Spring, 2: GameMaster: Game was extended due to at least 1 member failing to enter orders and having an excused missed turn available. This has un-readied all orders. |
21 May 20 UTC | Autumn, 2: GameMaster: Game was extended due to at least 1 member failing to enter orders and having an excused missed turn available. This has un-readied all orders. |
21 May 20 UTC | Autumn, 2: Caramba Paco, atacando sin invitar ni a una copa primero |
21 May 20 UTC | Autumn, 2: Y el convoy no funciona asi, para ir de sicila a thapsus, el apoyo maritimo debe estar el el mar punic, vamos que te daba la opcion por si yo te lo hacia |
21 May 20 UTC | Autumn, 2: Bueno igual él contaba con tu apoyo para atacarte... |
21 May 20 UTC | Autumn, 2: Ahhhhh conye. Ok ok la proxima ya lo pondré ahí |
21 May 20 UTC | Autumn, 2: Se me ha pasado el turno otra vez????? |
21 May 20 UTC | Autumn, 2: No ara no. Estem esperant que la Marta decideixi on posa les noves tropes |
21 May 20 UTC | Autumn, 2: lo pondras si yo te dejo meterte en el puni sea :) |
21 May 20 UTC | Autumn, 2: O si alguien lo ayuda... Sondea a Marta Paco, que igual se pone cómoda a ayudarte a cambio de que no le quites Vind o Dal... :-P |
21 May 20 UTC | Autumn, 2: Dejadme solo!! Voy a por todos!! Alea jacta est! :) |
24 May 20 UTC | Spring, 4: Perquè no em deixa posar ordres? Se m'ha tornat a passar el torn? :-/ |
24 May 20 UTC | Spring, 4: Es torn de retirades, nomes el paco i el sans |
24 May 20 UTC | Spring, 4: GameMaster: Game was extended due to at least 1 member failing to enter orders and having an excused missed turn available. This has un-readied all orders. |
24 May 20 UTC | Autumn, 4: GameMaster: Game was extended due to at least 1 member failing to enter orders and having an excused missed turn available. This has un-readied all orders. |
26 May 20 UTC | Spring, 5: GameMaster: Game was extended due to at least 1 member failing to enter orders and having an excused missed turn available. This has un-readied all orders. |
27 May 20 UTC | Autumn, 5: Me estais muriendo.... que malo soy.... :D |
27 May 20 UTC | Autumn, 5: "me estais muriendo" jajaja que tiempo verbal mas adecuado |
27 May 20 UTC | Autumn, 5: tranquilo que estoy en 5 partidas mas y me estan dando cera en todas |
28 May 20 UTC | Autumn, 5: GameMaster: Game was extended due to at least 1 member failing to enter orders and having an excused missed turn available. This has un-readied all orders. |