Finished: 08 PM Wed 05 Dec 18 UTC
Private these boys are the real boys
1 day /phase
Pot: 25 D - Spring, 14, Finished
The Ancient Mediterranean, Anonymous players, Unranked, Hidden draw votes
1 excused missed turn
Game won by LunarWarlock (140D)

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12 Nov 18 UTC Autumn, 1: Greetings oh Wondrous Leaders of the Mediterranean! I come to you all from the glorious Seat of Democracy. I wish you all a wonderful game and a fruitful adventure into the world of Diplomacy! -The Pragmatic Sophist of Athens
13 Nov 18 UTC Autumn, 1: It is awfully quiet, I'm afraid i must remark on this fact due to the deep necessity for us all to communicate oh mighty leaders. I hope that this might inspire dialogue if not here in our main channel of communication than in secluded areas between clandestine lovers or allies. I call to you all to be open to your neighbors for the sake of our beautiful world! -This message comes to you from the Pearl of the Aegean Sea
13 Nov 18 UTC Autumn, 1: I do have to agree that it is indeed very quiet.
13 Nov 18 UTC Autumn, 1: The silence if expected as alliances are forged in secret and we wait for the whispers of war to begin. Country feeling out Country. Ally learning to trust ally. This all comes with the territory of silence.
14 Nov 18 UTC Autumn, 3: Brothers and sisters of the Mediterranean! I call to you all to foreshadow the tragedies ahead of us. Rome has already begun to thirst for lands and I am their first target. After I fall do you think Rome will spare any of you!? I call to you in this hour of need! Assist me in this conflict and the Pearl of the Aegean will forever be indebted to you!! -The Pragmatic Sophist of Athens
14 Nov 18 UTC Autumn, 3: I tried to make a treaty with you but you tossed it away like it was garbage! You are the one who started this and my land is running short. I can rid this land of you and be happy with the spoils I receive. As for the other countries, I mean you no harm, and will only war upon you if you war on me first.
15 Nov 18 UTC Autumn, 3: You may have pushed me out of Dalmatia you old fool, but I am now behind your main front what ever shall you do now!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA
-The Not At All Mad Sparta
15 Nov 18 UTC Autumn, 3: Burn in a hole you maggot, you will die sooner or later
15 Nov 18 UTC Autumn, 4: Carthage you bastard! I showed you kindness, and now you do this to me? Why the hell are you doing this?
15 Nov 18 UTC Autumn, 4: Greece kindly sent me some of your interactions. Namely the one where you asked them to team up against you against Persia and Egypt. I’m here to protect everyone. Peace will return once you are gone.
15 Nov 18 UTC Autumn, 4: Because Carthage knows what kind of war mongering cretin you really are, scum. I hope your death is long and painful and loud enough for every corner of the Mediterranean to hear.
15 Nov 18 UTC Autumn, 4: With you not against you* excuse me, good messengers are hard to find.
15 Nov 18 UTC Autumn, 4: Land is in short supply and it was running out on my end so I offered a treaty to Greece which they threw away so I decided to gain land by taking theirs. I have done nothing wrong, and you claim peace for all but only protect Greece. I cannot harm the other two countries so you only protect Greece. Don't try to hide the actions of a power-hungry fool. You just want my land and the two of you will swallow up the others soon after
15 Nov 18 UTC Autumn, 4: Ah but had Greece taken your offer you two would've lead a war against Persia and I. You are power hungry. Simple as that. Enjoy the war you wanted.
15 Nov 18 UTC Autumn, 4: They apparently failed to mention that I included you in the treaty
15 Nov 18 UTC Autumn, 4: So Greece is leaving out facts that they don't want
15 Nov 18 UTC Autumn, 4: Do you have proof or just mere words?
15 Nov 18 UTC Spring, 5: Mon 10 PM Spring, 2: We need to come up with some way of splitting land or we are about to go to war. I suggest an alliance between you, Carthage, and I. We can take out the others because land is running out.
15 Nov 18 UTC Spring, 5: To my newest alliance member, please note this was before Greece stabbed me and I apologize for that plan. That plan is long gone now, I work with you
15 Nov 18 UTC Spring, 5: Whoever that was daft enough to ally with the Scum of the Mediterranean, I salute you for your time is nigh as well.