“Hard pressed on my right. My center is yielding. Impossible to maneuver. Situation excellent. I am attacking.” – Ferdinand Foch at the Battle of the Marne

Finished: 05 PM Mon 25 Jul 16 UTC
Fast ancient-15
5 minutes /phase
Pot: 50 D - Autumn, 10, Finished
The Ancient Mediterranean, Public messaging only, Anonymous players, Draw-Size Scoring
1 excused missed turn
Game won by Piggles (100D)

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24 Jul 16 UTC Spring, 1: I just want to say that I'm excited to play. It's been years since I've played this game.
24 Jul 16 UTC Spring, 1: Good luck everyon!
24 Jul 16 UTC Spring, 1: gl
24 Jul 16 UTC Autumn, 1: Glad everyone made it back.
24 Jul 16 UTC Autumn, 2: Hey Carthage, what's your thoughts about a non aggression pact in the name of eastern expansion?
24 Jul 16 UTC Autumn, 2: Hey Carthage, what's your thoughts about a non aggression pact in the name of eastern expansion?
24 Jul 16 UTC Autumn, 2: Sounds good
24 Jul 16 UTC Autumn, 2: Looks like Carthage is preparing to take Masila and invade Rome.
24 Jul 16 UTC Autumn, 2: It's a lie... Anibal won't cross the Alps today
24 Jul 16 UTC Autumn, 2: Eh, a long term hold on Baleares seems like a much better move than a temporary hold on Rome. But we'll see.
24 Jul 16 UTC Spring, 3: Well, Carthage, Ive clearly demonstrated that I am pushing east. Id like to continue those persuits, if you stop with Leptis, we can both continue on our conquests elsewhere.
24 Jul 16 UTC Autumn, 3: I'm liking the love from Tarraco, Carthage. I shall support you in your conquest of the east if need be.
24 Jul 16 UTC Autumn, 3: Well, looks like im not too long for this world.
24 Jul 16 UTC Autumn, 3: How's that battle on two borders going for ya, Egypt? ;)
24 Jul 16 UTC Autumn, 3: Not great. Well, at start you werent here, so I was planning on it only being one. That worked out well :/
24 Jul 16 UTC Autumn, 3: I wouldnt get comfortable though. Looks like you have a battle brewing on your northern border.
24 Jul 16 UTC Autumn, 3: Hey persia, how you feeling about a clamp down on Greece?
24 Jul 16 UTC Autumn, 3: Greece, take it from Egypt, you don't want to be fighting this many battles all at once
24 Jul 16 UTC Spring, 4: Egypt, retreat now and you can keep Jerusalem and Petra. Your survival is very beneficial to me, so let's try and keep you alive, yeah?
24 Jul 16 UTC Spring, 4: Im not moving from either, ill stay put there. Given my troop types, and locations im not really in a psotion to move on you.