One of the serious problems in planning the fight against American doctrine, is that the Americans do not read their manuals, nor do they feel any obligation to follow their doctrine… – From a Soviet Junior Lt’s Notebook

Finished: 09 PM Sun 08 Sep 24 UTC
Private Tutorial pour Thib
1 day /phase
Pot: 25 D - Autumn, 8, Finished
The Ancient Mediterranean, Draw-Size Scoring
3 excused missed turn
Game won by Tacticus (115D)

Start Backward Open large map Forward End

Tacticus (115D)
Won. Bet: 5D, won: 25D
18 supply-centers, 15 units
IXIS (120D)
Survived. Bet: 5D
5 supply-centers, 6 units
Meloos_ (100D)
Survived. Bet: 5D
4 supply-centers, 5 units
Thibloxx (100D)
Survived. Bet: 5D
4 supply-centers, 4 units
nathoxu (100D)
Survived. Bet: 5D
3 supply-centers, 4 units
Archive: Orders - Maps - Messages