A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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zultar (4180 DMod(P))
19 Aug 14 UTC
Official WebDip Survey: Customer Satisfaction and Feedback
We are hoping to get your feedback about our site and what we can do to improve it. The survey should take less than 5 minutes to do. Here is the link:
38 replies
2ndWhiteLine (2736 D(B))
20 Aug 14 UTC
Replacement Italy
Needed in gameID=145499. First come first serve.
0 replies
trip (696 D(B))
20 Aug 14 UTC
Lusthog Squad-8
Italy, please take down your draw vote.
0 replies
Emanuel Lasker (437 D)
19 Aug 14 UTC
Winner Take All vs Points Per Supply Center
Is there any way to tell after a game has started whether the scoring is Winner Take All or Points Per Supply Center?
8 replies
ag7433 (927 D(S))
18 Aug 14 UTC
101 Point Buy-In? WTA
Would there be any interest to this? If so, what phase length do you prefer.
7 replies
jmo1121109 (3812 D)
06 Aug 14 UTC
SYnapse Ban
See inside for more.
79 replies
SantaClausowitz (360 D)
19 Aug 14 UTC
Kurdish Independence
After recapturing the Mosul Dam today (With help of US hardware and air strikes) the Kurds seem to be pushing ISIS back. They are also strengthening their own position.
18 replies
abgemacht (1076 D(G))
29 Jul 14 UTC
Teaching a Computer to Play Go
I know there are some fans of Go here, so I thought I'd share this interesting article I read about the challenges of creating a computer to play Go. Details within.
abgemacht (1076 D(G))
29 Jul 14 UTC
Schaeffer, M., Mueller, M., Kishimoto, A., "Go-bot, Go," in IEEE SPECTRUM, Vol 51, Issue 7, July 2014, pp 48-53.

Abstract: For decades, researchers have taught computers to play games in order to test their cognitive abilities against those of humans. In 1997, when an IBM computer called Deep Blue beat Garry Kasparov, the reigning world champion, at chess, many people assumed that computer scientists would eventually develop artificial intelligences that could triumph at any game. Go, however, with its dizzying array of possible moves, continued to stymie the best efforts of AI researchers.

Full Text:
abgemacht (1076 D(G))
29 Jul 14 UTC
So, who's interested in making a program to play Diplomacy?

We could call in Draugbot. In addition to being a mediocre player, we could program it to occasionally DDoS the site. It would be just like old times.
semck83 (229 D(B))
29 Jul 14 UTC
That's a very interesting article, abge -- thank you!
zultar (4180 DMod(P))
29 Jul 14 UTC
CSteinhardt linked me to a Diplomacy program last year. It could play gunboat well, not so much with actual diplomacy. It actually can figure out stalemate lines and does well at the end game, and its openings aren't bad.
He and I tested several games, each playing one power while the AI plays the rest, and it actually took effort to determine who the bots were. Also, it wasn't easy to win.
I can email him and ask what the program was.
A_Tin_Can (2234 D)
29 Jul 14 UTC
I'd be very interested in a link to that! I've been thinking about writing something that plays gunboat for a while.

This might also be of interest to some:

It's a paper about looking in a database of past Chess games for positions which are similar - but not identical. The technique is aware of the way the pieces move, so it tries to produce positions that experienced players would agree are similar. It would be interesting to come up with something similar for Diplomacy..
yebellz (729 D(G))
29 Jul 14 UTC
Here's another good article about go AI:
Dharmaton (2398 D)
29 Jul 14 UTC
yebellz (729 D(G))
05 Aug 14 UTC
The graphic in the Spectrum article (posted by abge) is quite irritating. When making an artistic pattern with go stones on a board, it doesn't have to be a legal board position (i.e., captured groups are ok), but at least put the stones on the intersections instead of centering them in the squares.
abgemacht (1076 D(G))
05 Aug 14 UTC
I think they were trying to make it look like a brain?
yebellz (729 D(G))
05 Aug 14 UTC
Yeah, I see that it is a brain. Go art doesn't have to be a logical, or even legal, board position.

I just don't like that they didn't place the stones on the intersections.
Paradox (255 D)
19 Aug 14 UTC
y2kjbk (4846 D(G))
19 Aug 14 UTC
I've thought a lot about what it would take to teach a computer how to play gunboat. Machine Learning was by far my favorite course in college. I may just get around to actually giving it a shot sooner or later. PPSC would be far easier to accomplish successfully; WTA would be significantly more difficult with the added logic to prioritize stopping solos. I'm also not too sure how you would program the AI to determine when to put the draw up. The logic to make any individual move wouldn't actually be too difficult, you would just likely have to make some specific logical instructions on an individual nation basis as well as making general rules overall. A big key is to add in some level of variability such that the AI doesn't become predictable.
yebellz (729 D(G))
19 Aug 14 UTC
I'm not sure if PPSC would necessarily be that much easier than WTA. PPSC gunboat isn't just an attack in all directions, try to grab as many SCs as possible type of game. You still have to try to make friends and work with people to be successful. A tough part of designing a gunboat AI would be to understand and leverage the psychological aspects of the game.

I think risk tolerance would also have to be a design parameter toward figuring out when to switch from playing for a solo/reducing the draw vs solidifying to prevent a solo.

13 replies
jimbursch (100 D)
18 Aug 14 UTC
Ever played Dip for money?
Has anyone ever played Diplomacy for real money?
9 replies
tendmote (100 D(B))
15 Aug 14 UTC
Did you know: The Die Hard movies of Bruce Willis are entirely improvised? The director merely provides a set and some weapons, and some Germans or something, and turns Willis loose in front of the cameras. Bruce Willis was born in Germany and can recognize their accents.

What things do you know?
49 replies
Barn3tt (41969 D)
14 Aug 14 UTC
Large Pot Gunboat Game
1,000+ point buy-in
38 replies
brora (100 D)
17 Aug 14 UTC
The Worst Country
In your opinion, which is the worst - or weakest - country to play in Classic Diplomacy? Or, at least, the country you least prefer to play?
45 replies
SantaClausowitz (360 D)
18 Aug 14 UTC
Backlash on Social Media
Yo Dawg, I heard you like posting Backlash on Facebook so I posted Backlash to your Backlash so you can Backlash the Backlash to the Backlash.
15 replies
Dharmaton (2398 D)
14 Aug 14 UTC
Newly-wed Barbara wants to make sure that she is doing everything properly. She goes to church and into the confession box, where Father Sullivan is sitting. ”Father,” asks Barbara, ”is it alright to have intercourse just before communion?” - ”Of course, my child,” replies the priest, ”as long as we don’t make too much noise.” ...
21 replies
CommanderByron (801 D(S))
17 Aug 14 UTC
YouTube Artists?
How does the community feel about YouTube music artists?
I personally like them more than main stream music from a label.
11 replies
Synopsis (0 DX)
18 Aug 14 UTC
hey webdip
pls can we b frends
7 replies
zultar (4180 DMod(P))
08 Aug 14 UTC
Are you smarter than the previous webdipper?
A math/logic game.
228 replies
Tom Bombadil (4023 D(G))
16 Aug 14 UTC
The Biggest Hurdle in Online Diplomacy Play: Timing
See inside
27 replies
tendmote (100 D(B))
16 Aug 14 UTC
Burden of Proof in International Politics
There's a convoy trying to go from Russia to Ukraine. Russia (read: Vladimir Putin) insists it is humanitarian aid. No one can prove otherwise. Does that mean Putin has to be taken at his word?
18 replies
CommanderByron (801 D(S))
17 Aug 14 UTC
So does anyone know what course of action I should take if my SS Card and Birth Certificate were stolen today. SSA is closed until monday and I do not know how much damage can be done in the 36 hours until they open.
39 replies
Dunecat (5899 D)
15 Aug 14 UTC
Large Pot Modern Diplomacy II (10 Players) Game
Full press
1000+ D buy-in
5 replies
Asian Knight (2136 D)
18 Aug 14 UTC
Looking for a player to join as Italy! gameID=145895
Interesting game and a decent position for Italy. Should be fun for whoever takes the spot! gameID=145895
0 replies
JamesYanik (548 D)
18 Aug 14 UTC
1 reply
Jamiet99uk (1307 D)
17 Aug 14 UTC
Soaking Mormons
I have heard that in the Mormon faith, pre-marital sex is only sinful if it involves vigorous movement. I have also heard that Mormon teens therefore practice "soaking", which involves penetrating the female partner, but then remaining still. They believe this is not sinful. Is this for real?
24 replies
Creigh (2472 D(G))
16 Aug 14 UTC
Odd Retreat in World
In game GG-5 a fleet just retreated from Ddu to Vostok......but they share no coast. Is that supposed to happen?
8 replies
JamesYanik (548 D)
17 Aug 14 UTC
World 1 day left
13/17 joined
6 replies
Thucydides (864 D(B))
16 Aug 14 UTC
The Greater Gulf Coast Region is the best and most important region of the world
discuss Lol
25 replies
JamesYanik (548 D)
16 Aug 14 UTC
More cats an stuff
Modern Diplomacy
2 replies
NigeeBaby (100 D(G))
17 Aug 14 UTC
War hero and war crimes
Dutch war hero had family destroyed in Gaza

4 replies
VashtaNeurotic (2394 D)
16 Aug 14 UTC
Texas Governor Rick Perry Indicted
Wow..just wow.
32 replies
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