A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Chanakya. (703 D)
28 Mar 12 UTC
I got this notification!
regular -2
10:00 PM
You were defeated, and lost your bet, but you have been refunded 10 to make up your starting 100; better luck next time!
5 replies
Gobbledydook (1389 D(B))
28 Mar 12 UTC
What happens to CD points and docked points?
Say I CD'ed in some games and got docked for some points. Therefore I don't get refilled to 100.
How do I reset the limit to 100?
7 replies
Thucydides (864 D(B))
28 Mar 12 UTC
Are you afraid to die?
Are you.
20 replies
zultar (4180 DMod(P))
27 Mar 12 UTC
A self-referencing thread that refers to the threads concerning other thread
A healthy sense of sarcasm and self-deprecation is a must.
21 replies
Emanate Fate (100 D)
28 Mar 12 UTC
New to Webdiplomacy
I have played a few games before on a friends account and decided to make my own account and try my own luck. I would like to play a live game if anyone else is interested. Thank you
7 replies
ILN (100 D)
28 Mar 12 UTC
Word association thread
Post the first single word that comes to mind when you have read the last post.
8 replies
patizcool (100 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
British Parliament votes
Hey, though I'd just give this a shot, see if anyone would actually have this information? Does anyone know where (preferably on the internet or in an easily obtainable book) I could find the record of votes in the British parliament. I assume it wouldn't be too hard to find the votes of the past few years, but I'm looking for votes from 1801-1899. Any ideas? I'm working on my thesis, and having a little trouble. Thanks
9 replies
ILN (100 D)
28 Mar 12 UTC
If you had to, would you?
Basically, someone posts a situation, then the next poster says if they would do it and why, then post a new situation. Im bringing back an old post that i found rly funny :D
Il start: would you rather get assaulted by 2 shop keepers beating you with stale, rock hard baguettes or fly out of an airplane, with no parachute...BUT, you bang ANYONE you wish as you fall ?
37 replies
Emac (0 DX)
27 Mar 12 UTC
The best gunboat feeling.
Thank guessing right when you have to guess an opponents move. It's such a rush when the map comes up and you made the right choice.
13 replies
krellin (80 DX)
28 Mar 12 UTC
TRAYVON...The CRIMINAL....UK Has Balls to Reveal Truth

krellin (80 DX)
28 Mar 12 UTC
<GASP!!!> Innocent little pretty much the criminal we thought him to be. Past histroy with BURGLARY TOOLS....and found lurking about in a neighborhood that had *multiple* breakins...

How the Liberals are cringing...when truth conflicts with Political Correctness...
Ah, so Zimmerman had access to Martin's criminal record when he stalked and shot him?
dubmdell (556 D)
28 Mar 12 UTC
I think what Krellin is getting at is, the Trayvon assaulting Zimmerman story isn't fiction based on this history.
Invictus (240 D)
28 Mar 12 UTC
Yeah, knock if off krellin. Even if he were a serial killer or super villain if Zimmerman didn't meet the criteria for self defense then the shooting was unjustified.
Yellowjacket (835 D(B))
28 Mar 12 UTC
haha Krellin, MY 14-18 y.o. criminal record reads more severely than that kids, just to put shit in perspective.

Why is it so important to you that this guy Zimmerman be let off (not saying he shouldn't be, just saying I don't know)?

Am I the only person in America who thinks we should just wait and let the authorities have their chance at doing their job before we crucify Zimmerman (or Martin)? What am I missing, here?
dubmdell (556 D)
28 Mar 12 UTC
"Am I the only person in America who thinks we should just wait and let the authorities have their chance at doing their job"

Nope, not the only one, YJ
Invictus (240 D)
28 Mar 12 UTC
At least three, Yellowjacket.
krellin (80 DX)
28 Mar 12 UTC probably means that when Zimmerman, against police orders, got out of his vehicle, he was probably attacked by Martin, and then defended himself once the odds turned against him.

As was sooooo predictable....the leftists and liberals will ignore ANY suggestion that Martin was anything but a saint. THAT is my point. Again...I wasn't there...I have NO idea what transpired....and if Zimmerman get convicted, I will support that conviction by the justice system 100%.

But I'm also willing to admit that...DESPITE media's possible that this punk kid was a serial burglar..and Zimmerman caught his scent...And after the fact, it turns out that Martin was a pretty fucking ROTTEN kid....more prone to crime than he was cracking open the books to study....

If I had instead posted a link about how Zimmerman had a history of racial attacks, all you bitches would be *praising* my post.....fucking hypocrites. Afraid your racial hysteria might be shattered by FACTS?
Thing is, the Sanford PD already hasn't done their job. They're not supposed to act as Mr. Zimmerman's defense attorney. Proper police procedure is to take any shooter into custody, give him a chance to make a statement, then, when he lawyers up, arrest him and pass the case on to the DA.
krellin (80 DX)
28 Mar 12 UTC
@YJ -- I have NEVER EVER said Zimmerman need to be let off. Find me ONE single post where I have suggested that. On the contrary, there are a plethora of assholes on this sight that already have Zimmerman convicted of murder....becuase that's what the media hype told them to believe....before the facts are in.

I posted this as INFORMATION. Martin is being portrayed as some god-loving Saint....when in reality he is a fucking juvenile delinquent! Why don't a few of you get your heads out of your asses and start to take an OBJECTIVE LOOK at this case, instead of being a bunch of racist assholes and assuming that Zimmerman -- the Hispanic shooter -- hunted him and killed him based solely on race.

Well, a history of racist attacks would be more relevant, given that it goes directly to state of mind. Whereas a juvenile charge of possession of burglary tools does not indicate anything about Martin's likelihood of committing a forcible felony like aggravated battery.
Yellowjacket (835 D(B))
28 Mar 12 UTC
@Krellin. I'm a leftist and a liberal and I'm not ignoring this at all. I don't have enough facts to make a judgement.

@Bob: thats not true, to my knowledge. You don't arrest somebody if you don't have enough to build a case. I'm not saying I know for sure the SPD made the right choice, I'm just saying you and I can't know they made the wrong one.
Yellowjacket (835 D(B))
28 Mar 12 UTC
@Krellin sorry, I misunderstood then. It just seems like you're pretty gloaty and I'm not sure why.
krellin (80 DX)
28 Mar 12 UTC
@BOB....No...Maybe they DID do their job....maybe they looked at his head wounds from the fight prior to the shooting (HAVE YOU?????) Maybe they looked into Martin's CRIMINAL background....and drew a conclusion....

Maybe the only people drawing racist conclusions are Martin's DEFENDERS....who would claim racism NO MATTER what came out about Martin.
krellin (80 DX)
28 Mar 12 UTC
@YJ --- As is, Bob...ALL you leftists UP TO CONCLUSIONS about every public issue...about every post I make...without reading...without comprehending...without thought.
Yeah, you're unambiguously incorrect there, krellin. Also, you as well, YJ. Police are supposed to make an arrest if they have enough to get past a preliminary hearing, where all facts alleged are to be interpreted in a manner most favorable to the state's case.
krellin, I jump to conclusions because I am a criminal defense attorney who went to law school in Florida and studied both police and legal procedure there. Do you have such a background?
Yellowjacket (835 D(B))
28 Mar 12 UTC
?? Actually, I'm agreeing with you, Krellin. Did you even ready anything I said? I've repeatedly said I refuse to draw conclusions, because I don't have the facts.

You are very confusing.
krellin (80 DX)
28 Mar 12 UTC
@YJ...I'm "gloaty" because for DAYS now i have been arguing that a proper investigation needs to be made....that all this assholish knee-jerk reaction to convict Zimmerman is wrong....that the WHOLE story needs to be heard. and FACTS EVIDENCE is released....we realize this wasn't just some asshole whit eguy hunting down a nigger, as you Liberals want people to believe.

I "gloat" because the FACTS are starting to suggest that (((GASP!!))) there is MORE to this story than the simple racist bullshit the Sheople have been fed....I gloat becuase this supposed racist is RIGHT, despite all the hate I have been the recipient of for having a common sense approach to this issue.
Invictus (240 D)
28 Mar 12 UTC
He was brought in for hours questioning and then let go. It's not as if the policeman swirled his billy-club, winked at Zimmerman, and sent him home.

And the prosecutor DOES intend to file manslaughter charges, but was told by higher-ups that there wasn't enough evidence. So they're INVESTIGATING to find enough evidence to charge him and make it stick so it doesn't get thrown out. Would you rather they pursue the case before it's been properly prepared and Zimmerman gets out of it (assuming he didn't act out of legitimate self-defense)? People watch too much Law and Order and think this stuff just happens boom-boom-boom.
krellin (80 DX)
28 Mar 12 UTC
@Bob...I know what you are....i've tqangled with you before. You are the asshole that hlds the smokig gun while wiping off the finger prints and then declares your client innocent. YOU are scum of the earth, without a rational, decent bone in his body. You entire life is dedicating to letting people go free on technicalities.

One of my best friends from junior high is a defense attorney....I know **exactly** what you do for a living...and I find you repugnant, and not worthy of listening to.

And...for the ignorant masses out there....Bob spends MOST of his time getting rich WHITE folk out of drunk driving charges....Letting the assholes back on to the street to kill your friends and neighbors.

Fuck you, Bob.
Yellowjacket (835 D(B))
28 Mar 12 UTC
" you Liberals want people to believe."

Again, I resent that, since its not at all what I'm saying. In fact, what I'm saying mirrors almost exactly the whole first part of your paragraph. I know you're used to disagreeing with me, but come on man :P
Yellowjacket (835 D(B))
28 Mar 12 UTC
Haha bob, Krellin found a box for you. Is it cozy in there?
krellin (80 DX)
28 Mar 12 UTC
lol bob says we are wrong becuase we made some suggestion about police which isn't true..and then ADMITS that he jumps to conclusions without facts.....moron~!
It's cute that you think the investigation stops once an arrest is made. Anyway, the reason police are instructed to make arrests even when they don't have enough evidence to convict someone yet but do have enough to get past a preliminary hearing is to put the accused on bond, so his activities can be monitored more closely.
Invictus (240 D)
28 Mar 12 UTC
You'll stop saying those things about defense attorneys if you ever need one, krellin.
krellin (80 DX)
28 Mar 12 UTC
@YJ...Bob foudn a box? Probably the one his clients are in....but not me. NO IDEA what you are talking about.
So, it took only 5 posts of disagreement before krellin went to the personal attacks. I guess I don't have to feel the need for restraint or courtesy then. OK, let me fill in the blanks for you, Yellowjacket. Krellin seems gloaty because he is. Because he's happy a black kid died. It's because he's a racist sack of shit.
And actually, I seldom do drunk driving. I'm more of a domestic violence specialist. Much more room for reasonable doubt there.
Rancher (1652 D(S))
28 Mar 12 UTC
"ad hominem" ... and it rarely works
ava2790 (232 D(S))
28 Mar 12 UTC
Muted thread. As tc would say, "poof"
Rancher (1652 D(S))
28 Mar 12 UTC
if muted it would not appear ...
Zuko (100 D)
28 Mar 12 UTC
i saw this post earlier today and thought that you might be interested to see this new story:
Emac (0 DX)
28 Mar 12 UTC
"I've repeatedly said I refuse to draw conclusions, because I don't have the facts."
Excellent viewpoint Yellowjacket!

34 replies
Celticfox (100 D(B))
27 Mar 12 UTC
Web Dip Drinking Game Rules
Thucy you requested them so this is what I've come up with. The rules can edit, changed or whatever. I tried to put the ones with the most ability to get people drunk without being to vicious.

32 replies
dubmdell (556 D)
28 Mar 12 UTC
I brushed my teeth twice this morning and flossed three times.
6 replies
obiwanobiwan (248 D)
24 Mar 12 UTC
The Hunger Games (And Other Teen Franchises)--Thoughts?
I've said my peace about my disdain for manufactured book series in general, and especially teen ones...and yet, "Ender's Game," a book I've praised, is definitely a series, and if not targeted at teens, certainly aimed at them in large, my question, as The Hunger Games hits theatres, is simply--what do you think of them? HP? Twilight? Hunger Games? Ender? Others? Fair to compare...and do any of them, in your opinion, have "staying power?"
193 replies
Chase Aero (103 D)
28 Mar 12 UTC
Lets PLay!
0 replies
stranger (424 D)
26 Mar 12 UTC
new classic game
I started a password protected, long-phased new game.
I hope there are some guys who want to join, as I need good players for a good game. So, just message me if you are interested!
2 replies
Lando Calrissian (100 D(S))
27 Mar 12 UTC
4 replies
28 Mar 12 UTC
Introducing friends to diplomacy!
I am about to host my second diplomacy party with a group of friends. here's the thing: i've only played online, and none of my friends have played at all, except for my last game. I'd like to tell you what I'm doing and see if you guys have any pointers for teaching diplomacy, and how to host a good live game.
16 replies
Dharmaton (2398 D)
28 Mar 12 UTC
2 Russian friends 'Multi' ?
4 replies
goldfinger0303 (3157 DMod)
28 Mar 12 UTC
Mod Team
Very Urgent. Please check your emails. If you see this after 9:45, never mind
4 replies
krellin (80 DX)
27 Mar 12 UTC
AFRCAN AMERCANS - Need White Man's Help?
it's been suggested that I am racist because I think an African American can make it on his own in 2012. If you are African you NEED a White Man's HELP to make it in life? Or do you think that you are capable of succeeding on your own, WITHOUT a White man's help?

Who's racist? The one who trusts you for your own strength? Or the liberal whitey who thinks you are too weak on your own to succeed????
176 replies
ulytau (541 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
That would be awkward if...
Your made-up story please.
3 replies
zultar (4180 DMod(P))
26 Mar 12 UTC
That was awkward when...
Your true story please.
94 replies
krellin (80 DX)
27 Mar 12 UTC
D-Cubed (Daily Death in Detroit)
8 replies
NakedBatman (545 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
vDiplomacy vs webDiplomacy
What is the difference and why do they both have the same webDip logo but it seems are seperate sites requiring seperate user info. Was there a split in leadership and one site is a rebel faction? I want to play more fun variants' does that mean I need
11 replies
NakedBatman (545 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
Join our game!
I created a game to play with some friends but they couldn't all make it so we have a few slots that we need filled. Please join us!
2 replies
Chase Aero (103 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
Live Action 18
there is a new game i just made join!
1 reply
NigeeBaby (100 D(G))
26 Mar 12 UTC
Don't mention the meta-gamers......sorry I meant the war !!

7 replies
ava2790 (232 D(S))
26 Mar 12 UTC
On the Treyvor Martin Question
See inside
47 replies
redhouse1938 (429 D)
25 Mar 12 UTC
NOT-REDHOUSE (ELO: >1800, white) vs. REDHOUSE (ELO secret ☺, black)
26 replies
krellin (80 DX)
24 Mar 12 UTC
Sefl Defense...
Read it and weep, all you race-baiters out there (Obama included) who want to convict a guy before the facts are in simply because of the color of the so-called victim...
207 replies
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