A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
Page 1365 of 1419
yavuzovic (504 D)
11 Mar 17 UTC
In Holland.
What's happening? Can someone explain it?
56 replies
Limni (496 D)
15 Mar 17 UTC
Abusive PMs
Is it possible to block someone from sending you messages? There's a user who is sending abusive PMs to a few players who played a game with him a few weeks ago.

Not that I'm exactly getting upset about being called a colossal berk, but it's annoying when you think it might be a legitimate message each time
14 replies
Hauta (1618 D(S))
16 Mar 17 UTC
Tom Cotton (AR) to replace Paul Ryan?
Looks like Bannon is setting up Tom Cotton to replace Paul Ryan as speaker of the house. At least getting rid of Ryan is one part of #MAGA that I can get behind.
11 replies
orathaic (1009 D(B))
12 Mar 17 UTC
Sovereign rights?
I know lots of Americans talk the talk when it cones to states rights. But how do you feel about treaties signed with Indian Tribes guarenteeing their sovereignty? (What rights should they have? Where do you draw the line? - when this is happening: )
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Hauta (1618 D(S))
13 Mar 17 UTC
Every administration should apologize for the genocide of the Indians. We must admit that it was a policy of the government for many years. But it is not the policy now. Tell me, how is a young Indian on a reservation today DIRECTLY suffering from what say, Andrew Jackson did long ago?
JECE (1322 D)
13 Mar 17 UTC
Hauta: How are you directly benefiting from the invention of the light bulb?
CAPT Brad (40 DX)
13 Mar 17 UTC
no there is one administration that needs not apologize, US Grant's administration. the most friendly of all, still there was that jackass Sheridan that mucked up things after Grant left
JECE (1322 D)
13 Mar 17 UTC
It took me less than 5 seconds to find this article:

Plus a few more seconds to notice that the Battle of Little Bighorn occured during Grant's administration.
JECE (1322 D)
13 Mar 17 UTC
For what it's worth, Grant is the last Republican president I have much symapthy for.
Ogion (3817 D)
13 Mar 17 UTC
Hauta, do you really not understand how wealth and power get accumulated in this country? Native Americans today have vastly less wealth and power and an impoverished culture relative to this

That's like asking whether someone is harmed right now after you ransack their house. After all, you're not ransacking their house that very moment so obviously there is no violation of law

For an example, anyone living at Standing Rock has a greatly elevated risk of pollution from the US unwillingness to recognize tribal rights.
Ogion (3817 D)
13 Mar 17 UTC
Furthermore, tribes, which are sovereign entities are suffering from a lack of control and resources directly resulting from the malevolence of the US.

Pivoting from Zmaj's golden rule, so, Hauta, if I strip you of your property and say: hey, want to be rich? learn Chinese and move to Hong Kong while we wipe what's left of your culture. No harm in that, right?
orathaic (1009 D(B))
13 Mar 17 UTC
Are there no conservatives here willing to defend Trump's decision to push through an oil pipeline, or answer the actual question, and explain what rights (and under what treaty) the Indians should be having their land threatened (when white voters across the other side of the river objected, so thry moved the planned route).

ND? Anyone?
Ogion (3817 D)
13 Mar 17 UTC
What about Brad and Zmaj? They're pushing the "cultural destruction doesn't matter" line pretty well.
orathaic (1009 D(B))
13 Mar 17 UTC
Presumably cultural marxism doesn't bother them either then.

But this doesn't require cultural extermination, genocide is a crime against humanity, and violating international treaties is frowned upon.
orathaic (1009 D(B))
13 Mar 17 UTC
Discussing cultrual destruction seems like a distraction from the issue of oil spills threatening the water supply. Poluting the environment, of the Sovereign Indian Territory, seems like a clear and present threat, happening today.
Ogion (3817 D)
13 Mar 17 UTC
So if the loss of cultural heritage. Those are holy sites as well. Shall we tear down the Vatican to use the stone in apartment buildings?
Randomizer (722 D)
13 Mar 17 UTC
They do it all the time in the Mid East. Or what they don't sell on the black market for money.

Polluting the environment only matters in rich white neighborhoods. The poor and minorities have to really have a major tragedy to get some respect. Look at Flint, MI water. Coal plant pollution over Navajo lands in Arizona.
orathaic (1009 D(B))
13 Mar 17 UTC
Clearly matters to a bunch of protesters who live on their land.

But my question is what rights *SHOULD* they have?
Hauta (1618 D(S))
13 Mar 17 UTC
Ogion, you seem to have missed the distinction that I make between crimes committed by people today and crimes committed by people 100 years ago. Why do you insist on characterizing my position as defending crimes committed today?
Ogion (3817 D)
13 Mar 17 UTC
Because the things you're defending are going on today, maybe?

Your "let bygones be bygones" is a bit specious as well, since the consequences are still with us as is the perpetrator.
Lethologica (203 D)
13 Mar 17 UTC
The distinction between past and present crimes is noticeable, Hauta. On the other hand, I'm not sure what concession you're offering to the difference between crimes committed 100 years ago and crimes *not* committed 100 years ago. It's easy enough to say we should just leave the past in the past and do the best we can from now on, but it's all but impossible to understand what is happening in the present and how best to proceed in the future without confronting the legacy of the past.

For example, since the US historically did a lot of shit to destroy Native American culture (and still does to a lesser extent), maybe we should be less complacent about telling modern-day Native Americans that they should desert their failing culture, move to NYC, and join our successful culture if they want to succeed. Maybe the extreme poverty on reservations traces back to our government forcing Native Americans onto bad property lacking either arable land or infrastructure, spawning a vicious cycle of underinvestment. Maybe the ongoing sexual assault issues have something to do with Native Americans historically lacking jurisdiction over their own justice system. Maybe understanding the ways we've failed Native Americans, by malice or neglect or mismanagement, helps us understand why the current situation is broken and what it needs for improvement.

It's not necessarily about making direct reparations for past wrongs. But we should at least account for those past wrongs when deciding what is the right thing to do. Otherwise, we aren't meeting the Native Americans where they are, and anything we do will be less effective than it could be.

(You asked earlier in the thread, what about the slippery slope? What about blacks and the legacy of slavery? This is basically the same attitude I take there. I don't understand how people expect to even begin approaching the problems many black Americans face today without understanding the havoc America has historically wrought on black bodies, black families, black businesses, black wealth, and so on. That legacy echoes to this day.

But somehow we can't bring ourselves to think about that because it threatens to open the door to reparations. We're more afraid of the ghost of a possibility that we might have to sacrifice something than we are of the real present-day problems that we make more difficult by being fearful. Of course we are. Those problems happen to other people.)
Zmaj (215 D(B))
14 Mar 17 UTC
@Lethologica, when someone has raped another person, should he try to make things right by pushing his newly found love and understanding on the victim? Or should he just stay the hell away? The same goes for the US government and the Indians.
Lethologica (203 D)
14 Mar 17 UTC
I never suggested pushing anything on anyone, Zmaj, but I suspect that you will find the analogy doesn't actually translate well into practical policy, which is usually the case for pithy analogies about complex issues.

That said, thank you for accommodating the reality that past crimes matter to present-day choices.
Zmaj (215 D(B))
14 Mar 17 UTC
@Lethologica, whenever I suggest to keep the state out of anything, you brush it off by telling me I'm oversimplifying things. Hasn't it occurred to you that things might actually get simpler if the state is not involved?
Lethologica (203 D)
14 Mar 17 UTC
Zmaj, how about you actually present something concrete regarding the Native American reservation situation, what it would actually look like for the US government to step off, and why it would be good for the Native Americans, instead of retreating to vagueness. Convince me that things will get simpler and better. Don't ask me to do the work for you. Then I won't brush you off for oversimplifying things.
Hauta (1618 D(S))
14 Mar 17 UTC
Leth, I'm cool with America apologizing for past mistreatment and admitting all the bad things it did. I said so above, so I'm not really "letting the past be the past". We need to always remember and strive to be our best selves today. However, I sense a "tyranny of low expectations" from you. American Indians are beneficiaries of affirmative action in college admissions. They have a way out of financial poverty. I believe they prefer the spiritual riches of living in their own community and maintaining their culture. So let them live as they choose. If they got a problem with Standing Rock (or some other land dispute), then bring it to the courts. If they fail, then so be it -- Land is not culture; the Jews got kicked out of different places in Europe for years yet still retained their culture.
Lethologica (203 D)
14 Mar 17 UTC
"Tyranny of low expectations"--oh, right, the *other* bogeyman that always gets brought up when you try to address history. Not that it never happens, not that it shouldn't be accounted for, but it's such a lame excuse for not even considering systemic issues. One catchphrase and you're out of jail free, brain not required. Just raise your expectations! Don't worry about how to help anyone meet them. Then, since they don't meet expectations now, you can safely dismiss them as spiritual nuts who think they're better off.

And why is it *always* college *fucking* admissions? Is that the only affirmative action anyone can possibly think of? That doesn't even square the contemporary inequities in Native American primary/secondary education, never mind anything else.

Oh, but *here's* a nice bit of tyrannical low expectations: "As long as we're doing as well by Native Americans as Europe historically did by the Jews, that's good enough." Whoops, sorry, I tripped over the bar, it was lying here on the ground for some reason.
Hauta (1618 D(S))
14 Mar 17 UTC
Whoah fella, I do worry about how to help them meet higher expectations -- continued affirmative action in college applications. I'm also cool with equalizing per child spending in primary/secondary education. Lastly, you follow up with a typical mischaracterization of what I wrote -- My point about Jews was that they retained their culture even when they lacked a homeland; likewise, the existence of the Indians' culture does not, and should not depend on land.

Honestly Leth, sometimes I think you're just jonesing for the heat instead of seeking the light.
Lethologica (203 D)
14 Mar 17 UTC
No, I have to drag you into the light inch by inch, it seems. Not until I point out the gross insufficiency of "I'm sorry" do you consider anything more. Not until I point out the absurdity of your complacency about Native Americans losing land disputes they shouldn't have to fight in the first place do you backtrack and attempt clarification. Maybe at some point I'll drag you all the way over to the history books, but that doesn't seem likely tonight.
Hauta (1618 D(S))
14 Mar 17 UTC
Leth, I haven't changed the way I think based on what you said. We have merely explored the contours of the issue. You should be more careful about how you characterize your opponent's position because your credibility is damaged when you're wrong. Consider showing people how great the light is and they might voluntarily come TO the light instead of being dragged.
Lethologica (203 D)
14 Mar 17 UTC
Tried that. Got static. Tried a more volatile approach. Got a different kind of static. Maybe I'll try a third approach tomorrow. Maybe not. In the meantime, you should consider that careful writing is prior to careful reading. Your point *as actually written* was not merely about the dependence of culture on land; it was excusing injustice because another oppressed group survived similar injustices in history. If that mistake resulted in mischaracterization, so be it--other people have been misinterpreted due to careless composition before, and they didn't spontaneously combust. I'm sure you'll be fine.
Zmaj (215 D(B))
14 Mar 17 UTC
@Lethologica, you said to Hauta:

"Your point *as actually written* was not merely about the dependence of culture on land; it was excusing injustice because another oppressed group survived similar injustices in history."

What Hauta *actually wrote*:

"Land is not culture; the Jews got kicked out of different places in Europe for years yet still retained their culture."

In fact, his point was merely about the dependence of culture on land.

Lethologica, you aren't assuming good faith. That's a basic mistake when having a discussion.
Lethologica (203 D)
14 Mar 17 UTC
Zmaj, try quoting the full sentence instead of just a part and you'll probably see where the implication comes from. If that's not an intended implication, fine--I'm willing to cop to a mistaken interpretation if Hauta is willing to cop to a mistaken composition.
Hauta (1618 D(S))
14 Mar 17 UTC
I stand by my full sentence as written -- Leth is only one who should apologize. Copping to a "mistake" is copping out.

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146 replies
JamesYanik (548 D)
15 Mar 17 UTC
Rachel Maddow has Trump's Tax Returns
I'm guessing an IRS leak? still, it's 9pm E.T. when America shall know
61 replies
stranger (424 D)
15 Mar 17 UTC
The new 1v1 games are ruining the game stats
Couldn't there be a possibility to make games even more unranked - meaning that the result wouldn't even appear on your game stats?
16 replies
orathaic (1009 D(B))
15 Mar 17 UTC
John Snow born on this day!
Maybe more sig ifigant than the Ide of March:
6 replies
Hellfire Missile (100 D)
16 Mar 17 UTC
Fall of American Empire
Can a boat move from W coast to Los A?

Also for turns is it Spring, Aut, builds?
3 replies
WyattS14 (100 D(B))
13 Mar 17 UTC
Income inequality in the US
How could one argue that income inequality is a bad thing, without saying that the rich are too rich, or proposing a redistribution of wealth?
69 replies
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
16 Mar 17 UTC
webDip Bracket
Anyone want to fill out a bracket? Picking Duke isn't allowed.
7 replies
brainbomb (295 D)
16 Mar 17 UTC
The incredible return of Boaty McBoatface
5 replies
MajorMitchell (1600 D)
11 Mar 17 UTC
Western Australia votes, big win for "lefties" & Conservatives smashed
Massive defeat for Liberal Party and National Party, and far right Hanson Party slumps to 4.7% from 14%.
8 replies
CommanderByron (801 D(S))
13 Mar 17 UTC
Let's play a game
I have in my possession 3 small animals. I have preselected a rule for each (I.E if last post before getting locked is on first page then X dies) of course there is a way no animals have to die. Their fate is in your hands webdip.
29 replies
WyattS14 (100 D(B))
15 Mar 17 UTC
Chili and Rice
That is all
14 replies
SuperMario0727 (204 D)
14 Mar 17 UTC
Concerning Turkish Strategy: The Ottoman Empire
Concerning Turkish strategy and tactics, the historical endeavours of the Ottoman Empire during the Great War can be considered. Like the other Great Powers, Turkey has many fronts to consider—the Caucasus, Balkan, and Mediterranean fronts. Each front must be considered and analyzed before pursuing a campaign . . .
29 replies
Hauta (1618 D(S))
13 Mar 17 UTC
Trumpcare - costs will be lower for everyone
MSM keeps failing to note that Trumpcare lowers the cost of healthcare for everyone by lowering PREMIUMS while reducing BENEFITS. If nothing is covered, then Republicans can lower premiums drastically, but that doesn't really solve the problem of healthcare does it?
67 replies
Deinodon (379 D(B))
15 Mar 17 UTC
Diplomacy is the official game of the Ides of March.
Et tu, Brute?
4 replies
Tom Bombadil (4023 D(G))
13 Mar 17 UTC
So I'm taking a week off at the end of summer and am going on my first solo vacation. I've gone on several vacations with my family, but I like the idea of going somewhere alone where I can do whatever I want for a week. Looking for suggestions on destinations for a week (not a resort - something more adventurous)
50 replies
Hauta (1618 D(S))
14 Mar 17 UTC
Trumpcare predictions?
I predict that Ryan's bill will fail and that Trump will continue to sabotage Obamacare by excusing penalty payments until Obamacare fails. Once Obamacare fails, there's no need to repeal it. Trump will just blame the Democrats for "failed Obamacare" and for failing to work with him on a plan to save it.
6 replies
Matticus13 (2844 D)
07 Mar 17 UTC
Top 150 GR Full Press Game
48 hour phases. Can have a top 150 GR in either overall or full press rating. Who's game?

1. Matticus13
40 replies
JamesYanik (548 D)
13 Mar 17 UTC
Someone kill me now
36 replies
The Ambassador (129 D)
08 Mar 17 UTC
Live video feed podcast?
Hi folks - Kaner and I are getting together this time next week for another boozy Dip chat.
4 replies
jmo1121109 (3812 D)
12 Mar 17 UTC
WebDip Dev Announcement
The mod team let me know today that they are sick of me interfering with them (which is apparently what making a thread of support for jamiet is) and after several hours of getting yelled at on gchat I'm done and leaving the site.
45 replies
Hauta (1618 D(S))
13 Mar 17 UTC
Should Trump's EPA be allowed to override state's clean air rules?
Looks like Scott Pruitt wants to gut California's clean emission standards. I'm confused, weren't the states supposed to know for themselves what was best? Why is fed government getting involved in a state's right to set its own standard?
6 replies
Matticus13 (2844 D)
28 Feb 17 UTC
Useless Fact Thread
Post your favorite here.
41 replies
brainbomb (295 D)
12 Mar 17 UTC
You old biotch! This thread plz dont lock. Happy Birthday bro
17 replies
Deeply_Dippy (458 D)
13 Mar 17 UTC
Please reconsider your re-considerations.
Considering your considerable considered service to this site, please consider re-considering your considerations considerably.
2 replies
Ogion (3817 D)
11 Mar 17 UTC
What news sources do you read?
In this political era, I'm wondering what news sources you read
38 replies
brainbomb (295 D)
13 Mar 17 UTC
Bi, i'm larping
Hey guys, I'm wondering if anyone knows where I can get some high quality depression meds; or a larping experience which also incorporates back rubs.
8 replies
Hauta (1618 D(S))
12 Mar 17 UTC
What is the best way to reduce the amount of disinformation?
Call it fake news or whatever you want, but the dissemination of factually incorrect statements is a disservice to the electorate. We all like the first amendment and free speech, but once you have enough viewers/followers etc, should you be held to a higher standard of accuracy?
19 replies
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