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Full press non-anon

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 12:16 am
by Tom Bombadil
Come help me shake the rust off.

75 point bet, DSS, non-anon
2 day phases.

Re: Full press non-anon

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 1:26 am
by kgray
I wish I had time for this!

Re: Full press non-anon

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 1:44 am
by BismarckAlive
Tom Bombadil wrote:
Tue Jun 02, 2020 12:16 am
Come help me shake the rust off.

75 point bet, DSS, non-anon
2 day phases.
Happy to shake my rust off too!! Been many years since FTF tournaments, and a long while since my last non-anon game... :-)

Re: Full press non-anon

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 1:53 am
by Tom Bombadil
kgray wrote:
Tue Jun 02, 2020 1:26 am
I wish I had time for this!
Alas, what could have been!

I'll ping you next game and maybe you'll be more available.

Re: Full press non-anon

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 1:54 am
by Tom Bombadil
Welcome aboard Bismarck!

Re: Full press non-anon

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 1:56 am
by Tom Bombadil
So far we have the dinosaur club. Users who joined in 2010, 2011, 2011 and 2015.

Re: Full press non-anon

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:27 am
by Sickofpalantirs
Tom Bombadil wrote:
Tue Jun 02, 2020 1:56 am
So far we have the dinosaur club. Users who joined in 2010, 2011, 2011 and 2015.
Just entered the game. Technically I joined in 2012...though I actually joined, played one 5 minute phase game and left for oh, about 8 years. This should be fun!

Re: Full press non-anon

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:33 am
by Yonni
Can't join unfortunately because the last round of the masters just started but I'll definitely follow. Should be a fun one.

Funny that you're only on chapter 11 after all these years. Looks like I played in chapter 10... over 3 years ago

Re: Full press non-anon

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 5:13 am
by MadMarx
Tom Bombadil wrote:
Tue Jun 02, 2020 1:56 am
So far we have the dinosaur club. Users who joined in 2010, 2011, 2011 and 2015.
Dinosaur club, eh? Hmmm...

Re: Full press non-anon

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:04 am
by Tom Bombadil
Great, we have a full game that is up and running!

Yonni - It seems as though with tournaments and other games I don’t create all that many games. I better speed up though if I want to get all the chapters. I’ll shoot you message next game I create and maybe you won’t be as tied up.

Re: Full press non-anon

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 6:15 am
by Yonni
Where the spring flair? Pretty vanilla all around except for England I guess. I hope the fall brings some dramatics at least.

Re: Full press non-anon

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 6:47 am
by goldfinger0303
Pretty dramatic already if you ask me..

Re: Full press non-anon

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 12:53 pm
by Yonni
Yeah, you're right. The Galician incident is a nice piece of drama for the east.

Re: Full press non-anon

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 10:39 am
by Yonni
@Goldfinger, forget how units move?

Re: Full press non-anon

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 8:08 pm
by goldfinger0303
Yonni wrote:
Wed Jun 10, 2020 10:39 am
@Goldfinger, forget how units move?
I'm very old and forgot to take my meds

Re: Full press non-anon

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 7:59 pm
by Yonni
It's like VI has been terrorizing press games here for so long that everybody forgot how awful it is to play with MM.

Re: Full press non-anon

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 9:03 pm
by goldfinger0303
Just kill me now, Yonni

Re: Full press non-anon

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 12:15 pm
by Yonni

Re: Full press non-anon

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 3:57 pm
by Sickofpalantirs
Ooo I'll go!

So I've only really been playing diplomacy for about 5 months, 3 when this game started), and this was really my first high quality press game where I had more than 2 people sending me good press. Clearly that went less than ideally for me.

So I started off firing messages around and connected most with Russia (TheFlyingBoat or TFB hereon) and France (goldfindgger0303 or Goldfindger hereon). Despite this connection, I made it clear to Russia that I did not want him in Galicia after S01, and would almost certainly bounce him in Sweden if he was. I did not clarify that I was fine with him bouncing Austria, and he took it to mean not to move to Galicia at all, and that misunderstanding contributed heavily to his getting stuck at 5 SCs (that plus Moscow -> Ukraine in S02 preventing a treat from Rumania and holding Sev haha).

So right away in Fall '01 I'm deciding whether to bounce Russia out of Sweden or not. England has moved against France in force, which would lean me to bounce, but I want Russia to get a build just in a general balance of power sense, and Rumania is not a guarantee. I end up letting TFB in...and he also gets Rumania. Now it's worth mentioning that in the early part of this game I was rather paranoid that Goldfinger and TFB were going to gang up and destroy me. I'm not totally sure why in hindsight - I think a message TFB sent me made me think Goldfinger was annoyed at my noncommittal messages in '01, maybe I just thought F/G/R didn't make sense long-term, maybe I was just intimidated by how many points Goldfinger had haha - but I ended up taking a move to Ska in Spring '02 that put a crack in a potential G/R alliance, while leaving the door open to cooperate with England down the line.

I immediately slammed the door on the English option in F02 as I grew more comfortable with Goldfinger, which set up the seeds for England's demise. Meanwhile, Austria (Bismarck) had invited me into Tyr, a move I happily took. Bismarck was a bit slow to respond to my initial press while others said they had heard from him, and that ended up coloring me against him (not entirely fairly, likely). This led to me attacking him in S03, as I had developed a pretty good rapport with Italy (Tom) in the meantime. Turkey (Marx) and I had been exchanging messages pretty much the whole time, mostly focused on him trying to get me to attack Russia, while I was hesitant to help him at all (smart me! If only I'd continued that way...)

S03 brings one other fateful decision - whether to stab France or not by cooperating with England. I decide against it, than in A03 ask Goldfinger if he would've stabbed him there (expecting him to answer much later). He tells me he totally would have, which influences me towards my stab in S04, with a fateful decision to convoy an army into England. As a sidenote, we'd discussed me moving into London in A03 instead of him, with a 50/50 chance of succeeding which was a nice sliding doors moment - if I had taken London I likely would've used the extra build for a fleet in Berlin and moved towards Scandinavia. As it was, I felt France had gotten a bit too strong too fast while leaving the door open for some stabbin' on my part, which is what I did. I execute the stab, but TFB is a bit annoyed at my lack of communication/slightly threatening stance, and begins taking some actions to frustrate my intentions, blocking a move to North Sea in F04 and S05, preventing me from convoying my armies back to the mainland.

Italy has made it clear he wants Vienna back, which I'm relatively ok with and don't take as a warning sign that I should be a bit less trusting of Tom. This leads to my quite fateful F05 turn. Here France sneaks into Belgium, I move into Livonia, thus leaving myself very open to Italy, and retreat to Picardy instead of to Ruhr (I think that was a Tom influenced decision, but my blindness with regards to potential hostile intentions from him was quite strong at this point - though in my defense this was partly due to thinking he needed to keep some units back to defend against a Marx solo, which I'm sure will be covered if he or Marx post an EOG). At this point the die is pretty much cast. My armies are out of position to defend against Italy.

There is one more mistake I make though. In S06 I'm still holding out hope Italy is just setting up a stalemate line, and instead of pulling back Livonia or insisting Marx help me into Warsaw before I help him into Moscow, I tap StP and let him in. We'd talked about a trade of Moscow for Warsaw for a while, but prior to this I'd been very insistent that I get into Warsaw first. Call this a moment of weakness, a lapse in judgement, what have you, but I've sown the final seeds for Marx's solo and things proceed from there.

Lastly, Tom offers that if I turn against France and get the board moving Marx may be willing to settle for a draw with me in it, but I look at the small percentage chance of that occurring against the time and effort to try to secure it, and decide to go down with TFB and Goldfinger together in a crude facsimile of a 3-way draw that perhaps could have been if a few of my moves had been different.

To the players themselves:
Austria/BismarckAlive: As mentioned earlier, we never fully hit it off and when you opened the door for me to strike I went with Tom over you. Nothing personal!
England/hthefourth: I enjoyed chatting with you, and if I were a better player you likely would've lived longer if I had turned against France in S03.
France/Goldfinger: I will miss chatting Medieval Total War with you and I apologize for my newbie mistakes that helped contribute to another Marx solo haha. I feel like I learned a lot from your press, even your dissent into nihilism as the solo became more and more inevitable.
Italy/Tom Bombadil: I hope you post an EOG as I'd love to hear your thought process behind a couple of the more critical terms. Your press was really good just in terms of influencing my moves - you convinced the potentially easy road of a F/G/T draw was a bit of a cop-out, which contributed to my stab of France and everything that followed.
Russia/TheFlyingBoat: In hindsight I feel like we could've been really great allies, and its unfortunate that my paranoia about a F/R alliance against me led specifically to Ska in S02 and more generally to a strong alliance not happening. I wonder if things would've gone better if I had blocked you out of Sweden - just allowing a little more balance perhaps. Who knows.
Turkey/Marx: Damn you're cold haha :) You don't get to 36k points without making a few enemies, to parody The Social Network's tagline. Honestly did really enjoy playing with you and enjoyed all the press. Will definitely be done for A v F sometime when I'm more familiar with the format.

Re: Full press non-anon

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 8:05 pm
by MadMarx
Hey now, what enemies did *I* make?!

I was looking forward to disappearing for a few months, but I’ll put something together. I don’t plan to go season by season or get too detailed as that can get a bit self-indulgent when you’ve done “well” but I definitely had a personal epiphany about two way draws and play in general.

Thanks for starting things off Sop, it is interesting to get a little peek behind the curtain from different perspectives!