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Retreat into SCs

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 10:49 pm
by Lord of Broken Plains
Hi all,

It is my understanding that one can retreat into a supply centre during the retreats phase of an autumn turn (obviously provided there is no unit there, and that there wasn't a bounce in the centre that turn).

After Spring, if we have
Turkish A Bul
Turkish F Bla
Russian A Rum
Austrian A Bud

Autumn orders:
Turkey A Bul-Rum and F Bla S A Bul-Rum
Austria A Bud-Ser
Russia A Rum Holds

Here, Turkey kicks Russia out of Rumania. Russia can't retreat to Bulgaria as that's where the attack came from (is this true?). As I understand it, Russia can (and possibly should) retreat into Budapest, snagging the SC from Austria as it is an Autumn turn.

Am I correct in these beliefs?

Re: Retreat into SCs

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 11:01 pm
by Restitution
Yes, you can retreat into SCs in the autumn turn and it will count as your SC for that build phase.

Re: Retreat into SCs

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 5:49 am
by Claesar
Restitution is correct.

You're correct, as you can't retreat to Bulgaria.

Whether you should retreat to Budapest is a difficult question though. You're under attack from Turkey and I doubt you can win that alone. You need an ally. Retreating to Budapest likely upsets Austria, so it's probably just delaying the inevitable. Sometimes that's fine, but not always.