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Why do site rules allow people to ally against me?

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 9:45 pm
by brainbomb
I am noticing that in countless recent examples, people are joining forces. I thought diplomacy was a game where people get solo's because half the game CD's out and quits if things dont go right. Now im hearing people are doing some crazy stuff like working together and I dont like it.
I want my money back.

Re: Why do site rules allow people to ally against me?

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 11:39 pm
by Jamiet99uk
Your money.


Re: Why do site rules allow people to ally against me?

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2024 3:08 pm
by MajorMitchell
If this Oppression is a result of you starting Threads about the divine offspring of religious gods being socialists then that would possibly constitute meta gaming, given that whatever Naughty things you do in our Bwave new Forum with More Decorum players in games should not make alliances to oppress you Dipbro Brainbomb in a Diplomacy game because you offended their religious sensitivities

The same would apply if they took a dim view of your artwork, thought you painting of Trumptoad in lingerie in the showers at Auschwitz was offensive 🤔
and then ganged up to oppress you in a game of Diplomacy for that external reason.

Of course there are plenty of allowable reasons for oppressing you in a game of Diplomacy that are quite acceptable and some should definitely be encouraged opinion.

Re: Why do site rules allow people to ally against me?

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2024 4:38 pm
by Jamiet99uk
MM why did you find and resurrect this old thread?
Are you a bot?

Re: Why do site rules allow people to ally against me?

Posted: Wed May 01, 2024 3:24 pm
by MajorMitchell
No, but I'm wondering if the BlighterDalekBots are giving you +1s
Karma 18,696
If they were votes in a local council election here, you'd be Mayor