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Unpause Your Games

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 3:41 pm
by dargorygel
Friends, if you are in a game that has been paused due to the updates being done to the site...
Please feel free to UNPAUSE them now.

The mods WILL unpause when we can... but you CAN attempt to get together and do it yourselves.

Have everyone vote, "unpause."

Re: Unpause Your Games

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 6:45 pm
by Chaqa
Lazy mods not wanting to do their jobs and unpause our games.... oh... wait... :(

Re: Unpause Your Games

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 7:02 pm
by dargorygel
Chaqa... Most of my Mod time has been spent preparing for our next Mod Retreat Getaway Vacation (using our site profits.) I am trying, as you know, to switch our location from the Congo (which is getting boring) to the Yukon. Bo keeps blocking me though.

Re: Unpause Your Games

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 3:07 am
by FxFocus
Maybe the mods could unpause the anonymous gunboat games where some folk don't seem to be getting the message?

Re: Unpause Your Games

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 4:08 am
by goldfinger0303
We are working through that as best we can. Especially with gunboats we have to check and make sure they weren't paused prior to the site update, so it takes time to get through the hundreds of games.

Re: Unpause Your Games

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 11:14 am
by CCR
Please Mods insert a broadcast message at the homepage with capital letters UNPAUSE YOUR GAMES :)

Re: Unpause Your Games

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 2:08 pm
by kestasjk
This is a list of games which are currently paused but which weren't paused on 20200705:

All of them have been unpaused but will process in 2 days time, so that if anyone assumes it was paused they'll have plenty of time:

Code: Select all

| id     | name                                               |
| 268615 | Renewal                                            |
| 276550 | Known World Gunboat                                |
| 289860 | Never Surrender-5                                  |
| 293795 | Nuevo orden mundial                                |
| 294188 | Modern no press                                    |
| 294189 | America no press-2                                 |
| 294460 | The Birds and the Bebes                            |
| 295000 | Worldwide Corona                                   |
| 295521 | And Break his Fingers, to Splinters                |
| 295628 | Diplomacia de jpa2                                 |
| 295654 | American Gunboat-13                                |
| 296577 | One Level Higher Than You                          |
| 297547 | Daily Gunboat Modern-3                             |
| 298096 | Daily Gunboat World Diplomacy IX                   |
| 298462 | Tonga's Modern Diplomacy                           |
| 298812 | Daily Gunboat Modern-5                             |
| 298814 | Burning Europe -2                                  |
| 299194 | Ивкин не заходи 1                                  |
| 299417 | RamblerAlliance4: Another One                      |
| 299793 | Daily Gunboat America-2                            |
| 299796 | Daily Gunboat Modern-6                             |
| 300181 | Thorrbo's Friendship Tester                        |
| 300482 | GunboatBangout                                     |
| 300594 | Chill Gunboat-2                                    |
| 300723 | The Masters 2020 R6G2                              |
| 300747 | The Masters 2020 R7G7                              |
| 300776 | Daily Gunboat America-3                            |
| 300777 | Daily Gunboat Modern-7                             |
| 301054 | Daily Gunboat Modern-8                             |
| 301056 | Daily Gunboat America-4                            |
| 301108 | Find him, bind him                                 |
| 301116 | Modern Wars (Unrealistic)                          |
| 301390 | Simple fun                                         |
| 301506 | Cora Libre                                         |
| 301573 | Daily Gunboat America-5                            |
| 301576 | Duderonomy                                         |
| 301851 | Hello Im new here                                  |
| 302043 | AnctMed                                            |
| 302193 | Dipo                                               |
| 302367 | SimPvP Internal                                    |
| 302399 | CoolGame                                           |
| 302596 | Gamerz Part II                                     |
| 302640 | Keblumbo                                           |
| 302874 | The Schlieffen Plan                                |
| 302902 | Emperor of the Percy's                             |
| 303208 | Diplodução1                          |
| 303242 | First Diplomacy Game                               |
| 303255 | Eurpe                                              |
| 303322 | Inspired By Boredom                                |
| 303482 |                                                -2  |
| 303562 | Boots on the Moon                                  |
| 303920 | Gunboat-1013                                       |
| 304135 | Mare Nostrum-88                                    |
| 304309 | vroom skrt 2: the fall-2                           |
| 304695 | N00b                                               |
| 305003 | Good luck-14                                       |
| 305113 | World of Lies                                      |
| 305118 | Classic 1-15                                       |
| 305233 | So about those guns on this boat...-2              |
| 305258 |                                                 -2 |
| 305328 | another one-9                                      |
| 305361 | The Duality of Man                                 |
| 305401 | Hochastank                                         |
| 305419 | quarantings 2.0                                    |
| 305423 | Valhalla - 13                                      |
| 305486 | Here We Go Again-16                                |
| 305581 | Game Name - Attempt 4                              |
| 305606 | Gun!!-14                                           |
| 305797 | Valhalla - 14                                      |
| 305909 | First Game-60                                      |
| 305923 | Gunboat-1020                                       |
| 306042 | pratice-4                                          |
| 306166 | DC Beatdown-modern 2                               |
| 306294 | GROOVY GOOBERS GO TO WAR                           |
| 306368 | Dierling+King                                      |
| 306632 | MLR Angels                                         |
| 307057 | Gunners‘ Boat                                |
| 307111 | WEDfun                                             |
| 307294 | Gumboat-4                                          |
| 309495 | CFX Bots - Russia-2                                |