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Benefits of DMT

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2020 5:06 pm
by Fluminator
Joe Rogan has recently popularized DMT as a gateway to communicating with extra-dimensional beings.

How do people feel about this? Do extra-dimensional beings existing cause a lot of people to sweat? Or are people comfortable in their arrogant beliefs that humans are the pinnacle of the universe?

Re: Benefits of DMT

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2020 5:21 pm
by foodcoats
I've been listening to some Mysterious Universe podcasts talking about this and was also recently researching (I think it was McKenna's?) machine elves for a novel I'm writing.

One of the things I find really dumb is people (like Anthony Peake) arguing that DMT entities are objective, real entities because the entities "remember you." If they are subjective hallucinogenic projections, they'll "remember" you too!

Hallucinogens are really neat and incredibly informative about our psychic makeup, especially how tropes repeat across our species. And I 100% believe in non human intelligences. But the DMT angle feels to me like people desperate to claim first contact.